About Us

What is the meaning of life? Whatever you decide. I find that it is the little things in life that make it worthwhile; The exuberant chickadee outside your window, the pink sunset glow, the comforting cup of chai on a cold morning. As an artist, I try to capture those little moments of humor, joy, and beauty, and share them with others. Let those moments inspire you and carry you through the hard times of life. It is the sum of tiny things that makes life worth living.

Bramble Raven is a store where we sell products featuring original artwork and designs that spark joy. They are exciting and unique. We have curated high-quality products that are fun and functional. By purchasing our products, you are supporting artists in their passion for sharing beauty, laughter, and wonder. Time, talent, and effort goes into all of our art.


largemouth bass watercolor paintingwatercolor fox painting

Heather Silver is an artist that works in several mediums. She especially enjoys watercolor and acrylic paints.  She also likes to create sculptures in polymer clay and figures in wool felt.  Her favorite themes are nature and wildlife.

Lex Silver enjoys drawing original characters and fantasy designs. Lex also enjoys crocheting plush animals while listening to music.